Om du letar efter ett företag som värdesätter engagemang, njutning och lagarbete, då är Bedfont ® platsen för dig. Vi letar alltid efter flitiga och vänliga individer att gå med i Bedfont®-familjen och hjälpa oss att förbättra vården över hela världen.
Bedfont grundades 1976 och är ett prisbelönt medicinteknikföretag baserat i Harrietsham, Kent. Dess medicinska utrustning för andningsanalys exporteras globalt tack vare dess nätverk av noggrant utvalda distributörer.
Sjukvården utvecklas och marknaden för monitorer för andningsanalys expanderar. Bedfont letar efter hårt arbetande, likasinnade och passionerade individer som ska gå med i Bedfont-familjen för att hjälpa till att uppnå sitt mål att förnya hälso- och sjukvården över hela världen.
Your Mission:
As a Verification & Validation (V&V) Manager, you will manage the V&V team and hold a pivotal position in safeguarding the quality, safety, and effectiveness of our medical devices through rigorous V&V procedures. You will work closely with cross-functional teams to design, develop, and execute comprehensive test plans, while adhering to regulatory standards and industry best practices.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Your Mission:
As Goods In Quality Operator you will be utilising a wide range of methods to receive in and quality check all products coming into the business. You will have an essential role in the quality control of our products ensuring they conform to the highest standards and meet the required safety and quality standards. The quality checks must be fully documented raising any defects or issues with supervisors and managers.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Your Mission:
As a Production and Quality Operator you will be utilising a wide range of methods to assemble and quality check our products. You will have an essential role in the production and quality control of our products ensuring they conform to the highest standards and meet the required safety and quality standards. The production and quality checks must be fully documented raising any defects or issues with supervisors and managers.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Som Clinical Affairs Associate kommer du att koordinera viktiga kliniska och regulatoriska aktiviteter, inklusive klinisk utvärdering, Post-Market Surveillance (PMS), Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up (PMCF) och riskhantering för medicinsk utrustning. Du kommer att arbeta nära det lilla teamet inom Clinical & Medical Affairs och bidra till framgångsrik utveckling, marknadsintroduktion och underhåll av säkra och effektiva medicintekniska produkter. Du kommer också att hjälpa till med anslagsansökningar för att säkra finansiering för klinisk forskning och utveckling.
Klinisk utvärdering:
Post-Market Surveillance (PMS):
Post-Market Clinical Follow-Up (PMCF):
SOP-utveckling och uppdateringar
Stöd för bidragsansökningar
As a Medical Writer will be part of the growing Clinical department at Bedfont. The Medical Writer specialises in medical devices and plays a crucial role in creating compelling and accurate content to support development, regulatory approval, and marketing.
Working closely with cross-functional teams, including Research & Development, Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs, and Marketing, the Medical Writer translates complex scientific and technical information into clear and engaging content tailored to various audiences, including healthcare professionals, regulatory agencies, and consumers.
As a Warehouse Operator you will be responsible for assisting with the daily warehouse and global despatch activities in a busy and hands on Operations Department. You will be working in a small team and helping to complete monthly stock counts and annual stock takes.
As the subject expert and sole Software Developer at Bedfont Scientific Ltd you will create innovative software solutions. You will predominantly be creating desktop applications to interface with Bedfont’s medical devices using USB and Bluetooth protocols. You will design intuitive and user-friendly graphical user interfaces (GUIs), enabling storage of patient results and communicating with hospital systems.