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Take a look at the news articles below to see what we have been getting up to at Bedfont® and all of our latest news.

Bedfont® are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Geratherm® Group

Bedfont® are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Geratherm® Group

A door opens to ensure the gold standard of FeNO testing is available in Latin America. Bedfont® Scientific Limited, world leaders in breath analysis, with over 47 years of experience in the manufacturing and distribution of breath analysis devices have...
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Addressing Primary Care Challenges with the NObreath®

Addressing Primary Care Challenges with the NObreath®

FeNO Testing in Asthma Care Although airway eosinophilic inflammation is a key characteristic of asthma, there are few methods available to measure it. This inflammation can be assessed by measuring eosinophils and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) in sputum or by...
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Bedfont Scientific Ltd. and NewMed Ltd. Proudly Raise Over £28,000 in Funds for Heart of Kent Hospice

Bedfont Scientific Ltd. and NewMed Ltd. Proudly Raise Over £28,000 in Funds for Heart of Kent Hospice

A series of events and initiatives culminate in remarkable fundraising achievements by Med-Tech company Bedfont® and NewMed. Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. world leaders in breath analysis, with over 47 years of expertise in the design and manufacture of medical breath analysis...
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FeNO Devices– Considerations when Investing

FeNO Devices– Considerations when Investing

Like any healthcare investment, consideration needs to be given when deciding which fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) device might best suit the clinical area in which it will be used. So, what would be sensible to consider when including FeNO...
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Embracing Plastic Free July: The Bedfont® Scientific Limited Commitment to a Sustainable Future.

Embracing Plastic Free July: The Bedfont® Scientific Limited Commitment to a Sustainable Future.

Plastic Free July, a pivotal initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, was launched in 2011 by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz. This global movement is dedicated to realising a world free of plastic waste. The staggering figure of 20 million metric tons of...
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Love Your Lungs Week 2024: How the NObreath® aids in the diagnosis and management of asthma

Love Your Lungs Week 2024: How the NObreath® aids in the diagnosis and management of asthma

To mark Love Your Lungs Week, Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. raises awareness of FeNO testing in asthma care. Love Your Lungs Week is an annual event which takes place from 21st to 27th June. The event aims to raise lung health...
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