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Take a look at the news articles below to see what we have been getting up to at Bedfont® and all of our latest news.

World Digestive Health Day 2024: Taking control of your digestive health–Importance of not self-diagnosing

World Digestive Health Day 2024: Taking control of your digestive health–Importance of not self-diagnosing

World Digestive Health Day occurs annually on the 29th May. Launched in 2004 to mark the 45th anniversary of the World Gastroenterology Organisation’s (WGO) incorporation in 1958 (founded in 1935). This year's theme is “Your Digestive Health: Make it a...
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The Importance of Oxygen when Conducting Hydrogen and Methane Breath Testing (HMBT)

The Importance of Oxygen when Conducting Hydrogen and Methane Breath Testing (HMBT)

Gastrointestinal disorders such as carbohydrate malabsorption and lactose intolerance can be diagnosed with the aid of hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) breath testing (HMBT). Bedfont® Scientific Limited manufacture the GastroCH4ECK® device which measures H2, CH4, and Oxygen (O2). Unlike other...
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How HMBT can aid in investgtion and diagnosis of SIBO and IBS

How HMBT can aid in investgtion and diagnosis of SIBO and IBS

Did you ever have an exam or a competition and get that feeling of butterflies in your tummy? Or did you receive bad news and felt sick, or may have even vomited? Then you have experienced the communication pathway that...
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Heart of Kent Hospice appoints Bedfont and NewMed as Headline Sponsors for Bluebell Walk 2024/25

Heart of Kent Hospice appoints Bedfont and NewMed as Headline Sponsors for Bluebell Walk 2024/25

Local company Bedfont Scientific Ltd. unites forces with NewMed Ltd. as joint Headline Sponsors for Heart of Kent Hospice Bluebell Walk 2024/5 Kent med-tech manufacturer Bedfont is delighted to announce a strategic partnership with NewMed Ltd. as a joint headline...
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No Smoking Day: UK ‘Smokefree’ by 2030

No Smoking Day: UK ‘Smokefree’ by 2030

Wednesday 13th March 2024 National No Smoking Day, which has occurred annually since its integration with Ash Wednesday in 19841, has served as an annual reminder for individuals striving to quit smoking. In the United Kingdom, No Smoking Day holds significance with...
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Electrochemical Sensor Technology:                   The new gold standard for FeNO testing

Electrochemical Sensor Technology: The new gold standard for FeNO testing

A history of Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) testing: where it all began The story of FeNO began in the 1990s after it gained a lot of interest from researchers in the potential it posed as a non-invasive biomarker for...
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