Medi-Gas Check

The Medi-Gas Check range of medical pipeline testing equipment is for safeguarding patients and staff against harmful gases. By testing the gas in the pipeline, you can verify that the right gas is being administered, as well as the right quantity and quality of said gas.


N2O, O2, CO2, CO Monitoring

Specifically designed for highly accurate measurement of piped medical gas N2O and O2 in %. The light-weight hand-held monitor is ideal for use around a busy hospital. Quickly verifies gas quality on an easy to read digital screen. Enter specific identification numbers for specific monitoring points around the hospital. The unit can identify potential contaminants CO and CO2 in piped gas around hospitals, complete with data storage and alarms, the G210 is ideal for many of your MGPS verification and testing requirements designed for highly accurate measurement of piped medical gas N2O and O2 in %.

F8004 Multi-Air Tester

Safe air testing for medical and dental air

The new F8004 multi-air tester is ideal for both medical and dental air testing for a wide range of gasses and contaminants all within one device. Designed to provide a quick and easy method for carrying out accurate testing of breathing-air supplies, the Multi-Air Tester is the latest addition to the Medi-Gas Check range of portable medical gas analysers for pipelines.


Low level N2O atmospheric measurement

This portable monitor not only acts as a personal alarm, but will also calculate the time weighted average (TWA) of an individual’s exposure to N2O. The G200 also acts as a leak detection device and will store up to 1,000 readings to be used for graphs and data analysis. The G200 is able to provide readings from 0-1,000ppm in less than 40 seconds and 0-10,000ppm in leak detection mode, safeguarding both health professionals and patients. This product is ideal for: dental departments, anaesthetic departments, hospital theatres, aswell as recovery, veterinary and X-ray departments.

Pipeline Sampling Kit

As part of Bedfont’s commitment to making verification and validation of MGPS as quick and easy as possible, we supply a sampling kit for use with all our monitors, detector tubes and equipment. This kit comprises of a regulator to ensure the gas flow is passed though the monitor or detector tube at the correct flow, 5 specialist gas probes, and quick connect fittings for interchanging between gases.