Image of front of Bedfont Scientific Ltd


Take a look at the news articles below to see what we have been getting up to at Bedfont® and all of our latest news.

Bedfont brings production back to the UK and boosts exports

Bedfont brings production back to the UK and boosts exports

Kent-based Bedfont Scientific, has launched UK production of its iCO™ Smokerlyzer® to be shipped worldwide. Bedfont Scientific Ltd, based in Kent, has been in the business of breath analysis and gas monitoring for almost 40 years now. Their name is well...
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iCO™ Helping smokers to quit using their mobile phones

iCO™ Helping smokers to quit using their mobile phones

Bedfont Scientific, based in Kent, a leading manufacturer of breath testing equipment in the UK releases the latest CO monitor for use with smartphones and tablets, to help people stop smoking. Quitting smoking has never been easy, but it is...
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