Image of front of Bedfont Scientific Ltd


Take a look at the news articles below to see what we have been getting up to at Bedfont® and all of our latest news.

Unveiling at ESS 2016: A quicker, non-invasive way to detect CO poisoning

Unveiling at ESS 2016: A quicker, non-invasive way to detect CO poisoning

Bedfont® Scientific, based in Harrietsham, Kent, launches their new ToxCO® breath carbon monoxide monitor which instantly diagnoses CO poisoning Bedfont® Scientific has specialised in the design and manufacture of exhaled breath and gas monitoring instruments since 1976. With an unprecedented...
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Should FeNO monitoring be included in basic care after asthma death toll rises in Scotland?

Should FeNO monitoring be included in basic care after asthma death toll rises in Scotland?

The NObreath® FeNO monitor from Bedfont Scientific could be the solution GP’s and patients are looking for to help asthma. Figures released from the 2014 National Records of Scotland show that 122 people died from an asthma attack the previous...
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Bedfont’s bid to help young and aspiring entrepreneurs

Bedfont’s bid to help young and aspiring entrepreneurs

Bedfont proud of their apprenticeship schemes and sad as their first apprentice moves on after 5 years. Bedfont is keen to cultivate growth through offering apprenticeships and since 2011 has taken on 7 apprenticeships in total, of which 2 are...
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FDA grants Bedfont clean bill of health

FDA grants Bedfont clean bill of health

Bedfont Scientific, based in Harrietsham Kent, successfully passes another FDA inspection. Bedfont Scientific, a local medical device manufacturer specialising in breath analysis, is pleased to announce that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has completed a successful inspection at...
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Smokerlyzer® celebrates 30 years of saving lives with 3 chances to win the king of Smokerlyzers®, the Micro+™

Smokerlyzer® celebrates 30 years of saving lives with 3 chances to win the king of Smokerlyzers®, the Micro+™

Bedfont® Scientific is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its Smokerlyzer® breath carbon monoxide (CO) monitor with a prize draw competition and three chances to win their gold-standard Micro+™ Smokerlyzer®. Bedfont Scientific, based in Harrietsham, Kent, has specialised in breath analysis...
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Smokerlyzer® celebrates 30 years with an iPad to be won at the UK Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Conference (UKNSCC).

Smokerlyzer® celebrates 30 years with an iPad to be won at the UK Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Conference (UKNSCC).

Bedfont® Scientific is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its Smokerlyzer® at this year’s conference and will be offering the opportunity for UKNSCC attendees to walk away with a free iPad. This year Bedfont’s representative Intermedical will be at the UKNSCC,...
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