To mark Love Your Lungs Week, Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. raises awareness of FeNO testing in asthma care.

Love Your Lungs Week is an annual event which takes place from 21st to 27th June. The event aims to raise lung health awareness and promote habits that support respiratory well-being. Bedfont®, world leaders in breath analysis have over 47 years of experience in designing and manufacturing of breath analysis devices. Through innovating breath analysis devices, Bedfont® look to improve patient care with devices like the NObreath®. The NObreath® is a Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) device, recommended by NICE for FeNO measurement in asthma care.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition where the airways become inflamed and narrowed, making breathing difficult. Sadly 1,261 people lost their lives from asthma in 20201, highlighting that asthma is a serious condition. Asthma is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and as there is no cure, treating and managing the condition is essential.

FeNO is produced naturally in the lungs and can be found in exhaled breath; measuring FeNO can help assess the level of inflammation in the lungs, aiding in the diagnosis and management of asthma.

Using a FeNO device such as the NObreath® is a quick and easy, non-invasive way to assess a patient’s FeNO level. The NObreath® is especially useful for managing asthma in patients who are known to have allergic triggers, as it specifically measures the type of inflammation most commonly associated with allergic asthma

Elevated FeNO levels can suggest eosinophilic inflammation, a common underlying cause in many asthma patients. By using the NObreath® to monitor these levels, healthcare providers can tailor treatment efficiently.

Jason Smith, Managing Director of Bedfont® says “At Bedfont®, we are committed to supporting initiatives that promote lung health. Love Your Lungs Week is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of early diagnosis and proactive management of respiratory conditions. The NObreath® FeNO device not only aids in identifying airway inflammation but also assists in monitoring treatment efficacy, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.”

The NObreath® is fairly priced and conforms to both ATS and ERS guidelines, allowing a future where everyone has access to instant, non-invasive, simple breath testing to aid in medical diagnosis.

To find out more about FeNO testing in asthma care, please visit our website to watch an insightful webinar hosted by Carol Stonham MBE earlier in the year, ‘How FeNO testing can empower and educate healthcare professionals and patients alike:’

1. Public health profiles. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. [cited on 1/5/24] Available from 

World Well-being Week is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of well-being in various aspects of life, including physical, mental, and emotional health. This year it takes place from June 24th to June 30th.

According to a recent study in 2023, personal well-being has declined, with the COVID-19 pandemic having a significant impact. Average ratings of well-being in the UK have declined across all measures between March 2022 and March 2023, with 57.41% of adults reporting high levels of anxiety and 46.6% reporting low levels of happiness1.

During World Well-being Week, companies are encouraged to support their employee’s well-being through various activities and resources. Workplace stress and burnout can significantly impact employee productivity and job satisfaction. Reports have shown that companies prioritising well-being have happier and more engaged employees, increasing workplace productivity and reducing employee absences.

Bedfont® have their very own team of Well-being Warriors, ensuring employees can take part in activities designed to reduce stress and enhance the workplace environment. Bedfont® is fully committed to well-being in the office and strives to promote and maintain the mental health and well-being of all employees, proving this by being presented with the Platinum Business Award by Kent County Council in April 2023, the highest award possible for promoting a positive work environment, and a health work/life balance.

In 2023, Bedfont® also opened their very own well-being garden, in memory of 2 well loved members of staff. The vision behind the garden is to give staff a special space to be able to enjoy, collect their thoughts, and de-stress.

Earlier this year, the Bedfont® Well-being Warriors were in full force for Stress Awareness Month, which occurs annually in April. The Warriors organised a week of stress-busting activities for staff, which included a virtual coffee morning, a stress-busting activity – Pictionary, a Wednesday walk, a Bedfont® bar with a music Kahoot quiz, and a healthy lunch. Employees were encouraged to join the activities and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

With personal well-being declining, it’s important, now more than ever, to ensure everything is being done to improve employee well-being. Here are some examples of how Bedfont® has been working to improve morale and well-being:

Well-being Gifts: Sending well-being packages or gifts to employees, such as stress balls, herbal teas, or wellness journals, to encourage them to take time for self-care.

Team Building Activities: Organising team-building activities that promote collaboration and social-well-being. These could be anything from group problem-solving challenges to fun games or social events.

Relaxation Spaces: Establishing relaxation zones in the workplace where employees can take short breaks to de-stress. These could include comfortable seating, ambient music, and access to mindfulness or meditation apps.

Healthy Eating Day: Promoting nutrition by hosting a healthy eating day. This could involve a workshop on nutritional information, providing healthy meals or snacks, or even organising a cooking demonstration focusing on healthy recipes.

Follow us on social media to keep up with all the news and information on what Bedfont® is doing to improve employee well-being.

  1. Personal well-being in the UK: April 2022 to March 2023. [Cited on 8/5/24] Available from,and%203.8%25%2C%20respectively

Love Your Lungs Week is a national awareness event which occurs annually in June, taking place from 21st June to 27th June 2024. Initiated by the British Lung Foundation, now known as Asthma and Lung UK, the event focuses on enhancing lung health and looks to raise awareness of a variety of respiratory conditions that affect lung health. One of these conditions is asthma, which is a chronic condition where the airways become inflamed and narrowed, making breathing difficult.

Symptoms of asthma include:

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath

What causes asthma?

It is thought that asthma is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors; when exposed to various irritants and substances, it can trigger asthma symptoms. There are 2 types of asthma; allergy-induced asthma and non-allergy induced asthma. Both types can have different triggers and these can vary from person to person.

Allergy-induced asthma is the most common form and can be triggered by inhaling allergens. This
can lead to an immune response in the airways which causes the symptoms of asthma. Common
allergens include:

  • Pollen: From trees, grass and weeds.
  • Dust Mites: Tiny creatures that thrive in household dust.
  • Pet Fur: Shed by cats, dogs and other furry pets.
  • Mould: Fungai that can grow indoors or outdoors in moist environments.

If these allergens are inhaled by someone with allergy-induced asthma, an allergic reaction can take place that causes the airways to swell, narrow and produce excess mucus.

Non-allergy induced asthma does not depend on an allergic reaction and is often triggered by factors not relating to allergies.

These can include:

  • Respiratory Infections: Such as the common cold or influenza.
  • Exercise: Especially in cold or dry air.
  • Stress and Emotions: Intense emotions can lead to hyperventilation and tightness in the chest.
  • Airborne Irritants: Such as smoke, chemical fumes, strong odours, or pollutants.

These triggers can cause the airways to swell and narrow but do not involve an allergic response. Instead, they may involve different inflammatory responses or hypersensitivity of the airways.

What impact does asthma have?

Asthma can have a significant impact on people’s lives, affecting their physical health, mental well- being and quality of life. The condition imposes lifestyle limitations, with sufferers often avoiding activities that might trigger symptoms, along with the economic burden from continuous medical care and loss of productivity due to absences from work or school.

Unfortunately, asthma-related emergency admissions remain high at over 35,000 in both adults and
children in the UK1, and with 1,261 people sadly passing away in 20201, it is clear more needs to be
done to avoid these numbers increasing.

What about FeNO testing?

Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) is found in exhaled breath and can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma. FeNO is naturally produced in the lungs through a complex biological process. The measurement of FeNO helps assess the level of inflammation in the lungs, aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma. Using a FeNO device like the NObreath® is a quick and easy, non-invasive way to read a person’s FeNO level. FeNO testing is especially useful for managing asthma in patients who are known to have allergic triggers, as it specifically measures the type of inflammation most commonly associated with allergic asthma.

How does FeNO fit into asthma management?

  • Diagnosis: FeNO testing can help in diagnosing asthma in cases where typical diagnostic tests (like spirometry) might not be conclusive. Elevated FeNO levels can suggest eosinophilic inflammation, which is a common underlying cause in many asthma patients.
  • Monitoring: For ongoing asthma management, FeNO levels can provide insight into how well inflammation is being controlled through medication, particularly inhaled corticosteroids.
  • Monitoring FeNO can help in adjusting medications more precisely to reduce inflammation.
  • Predicting Exacerbations: High FeNO levels can indicate poorly controlled asthma and predict potential exacerbations. This can be particularly useful in managing patients who have periodic flare-ups, allowing for preventive adjustments in treatment.
  • Assessing Treatment Response: Regular FeNO testing can assess the effectiveness of current asthma treatment regimens. If FeNO levels remain high despite treatment, it might suggest the need for alternative therapies or more aggressive management.

With World Asthma Day just a little over a month ago now, this years theme “Asthma Education Empowers” aimed to highlight the importance of education in asthma diagnosis and treatment. It is clear that the innovative approaches to its management, including FeNO testing, have never been more essential.

Bedfont® Scientific Limited, are world leaders in breath analysis, with over 47 years of expertise and knowledge in designing and manufacturing breath analysis devices. They are committed to improving patient safety through innovating breath analysis devices, such as the NObreath®. The device is a portable handheld FeNO device, used by healthcare professionals to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma.

Bedfont® hosted an insightful webinar which looked in depth at how FeNO testing can empower and educate healthcare professionals alike. To read the Bedfont® blog article on this subject, and to watch the webinar, please click here.

1. Public health profiles. Office for Health Improvement & Disparities. [cited on 7/5/24] Available from

World No Tobacco Day, established in 1987 by the World Health Organization (WHO), aims to raise global awareness about the tobacco epidemic and the preventable illnesses and deaths it causes. With the 2024 annual theme «Protecting children from tobacco industry interference,» Bedfont® hosted a discussion with Smokerlyzer® Medical Advisory Board members, Dr Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin and Dr Anne Yee, along with insights from Professor Christopher Bullen from the University of Auckland.

Dr Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin

Dr Anne Yee

The discussion covered some fascinating points, looking at where the world is currently with the efforts to reduce tobacco use, and the challenges being faced along the way. The conversation looked closely at New Zealand and Malaysia.

What is happening in New Zealand?

In New Zealand, there has been a considerable effort in research and policy-making to reduce the number of young smokers; this has resulted in a drop in smoking in young people to below 5%, which is the lowest it has ever been. Whilst this statistic should be celebrated, the challenge now being faced is the considerable increase in the number of young people taking up vaping, with the majority of these people having never smoked.

Chris goes on to say that “we shouldn’t be complacent with these numbers; things can change very quickly, and we could well see a surge in the uptake of smoking again in the future.” Although New Zealand is on top of the situation currently, things need to be monitored very closely to avoid an increase in smokers.

In New Zealand, just like the UK, the government brought in legislation that anyone born after January 1st 2009 cannot legally buy tobacco products. However, Professor Bullen comments that a new government was appointed in March this year, who swiftly revoked that legislation.

What is happening in Malaysia?

Sadly, smoking remains a significant public health issue in Malaysia. However, the National Health & Morbidity Report did show a decline in cigarette use in 13-17 years-olds, dropping from 13.8% in 2017 to 6.2% in 2022. Showing a massive decrease in smoking in this age group is positive, yet, the same report did show an increase in e-cigarette and vape use in the same age group, increasing from 9.8% in 2017 to 14.9% in 2022. However, 10.8% of adolescent males were still smoking cigarettes in 2022 compared to 1.7% of adolescent females1; it seems that smoking is still a global issue.

Should we be concerned?

Tobacco companies are always looking for ways to increase smoking; if they are not successful, they are looking to push other products into the market, particularly in countries where the regulatory environment is weak. Dr Anne Yee comments that in Malaysia, vapes are being sold and positioned with snacks and sweets, making smoking and vaping seem more acceptable.

What is being done to reduce the number of people smoking?

In Malaysia, they introduced the Control of Tobacco Products Regulations under the Food Act of 1983 in 2004. These regulations included:

  • Advertising bans
  • Graphic health warnings
  • Restriction on sales to minors.

The Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act 2024 has been published but is not yet operational in Malaysia, meaning sales of nicotine vapes are still available to minors. Dr Anne Yee fears Malaysia is falling behind in regulating vaping and innovative tobacco products and tobacco companies are seeing this as their way in.

Malaysia has implemented several measures to reduce smoking, such as:

  • Tak Nak, the anti-smoking campaign: The campaign was started to create awareness to encourage people to quit smoking and also discourage non-smokers from starting.
  • Introducing an anti-smoking program in the school curriculum: The program aims to educate and prevent young people from taking up smoking.
  • Quit Smoking Clinics: Set up across the country to offer counselling and nicotine replacement therapy.

Is branding an issue?

With some brands believed to be healthier than others branding is an issue. Like the UK, New Zealand introduced plain packaging and health warning labels on cigarette boxes, whereas Malaysia hasn’t been successful with this just yet.

What can we do to assist young people who want to quit smoking?

Unfortunately, there is not much evidence on which methods are best for adolescents to give up smoking, but in New Zealand, it has been suggested that text messaging has helped this age group. It is also thought that driving the price of tobacco up will discourage younger people to start smoking as they cannot afford it.

With everything discussed, it can be quite daunting when considering all the challenges faced in trying to reduce tobacco use. Nevertheless, we should celebrate how far the world has come in reducing smoking globally, and whilst vaping is rapidly increasing, smoking combustible tobacco is currently considered more dangerous. The world should continue efforts, hoping for a healthier population and a smoke-free future.

To watch the discussion in full visit our YouTube channel

1. NHMS Survey: Among Malaysian Teens, Smoking Rate Falls But Vaping Prevalence Rises To 15%.
CodeBlue. May 2023. [cited on 30/05/24]

Available from:

: The campaign was started to create awareness toencourage people to quit smoking and also discourage non-smokers from starting. Introducing an anti-smoking program in the school curriculum: The program aims toeducate and prevent young people from taking up smoking. Quit Smoking Clinics: Set up across the country to offer counselling and nicotinereplacement therapy.

As the world prepares to mark another World Environment Day, it is time for Bedfont® to reflect on its journey towards sustainability and nurturing the planet.

World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5th, was established by the United Nations in 1974 to promote awareness and action for the protection of our environment. With more than 143 countries participating, the day serves as a global platform for public outreach.

Initially established to create environmental awareness among governments and the public, World Environment Day has played a crucial role in educating people worldwide about significant environmental issues, whilst also proving instrumental in promoting the connection of human and environmental health, and highlighting the global nature of many environmental challenges.

The day has supported environmental initiatives like recycling programs, conservation projects, and laws to reduce carbon emissions and protect natural habitats. The day has also been pivotal in influencing public and government attitudes towards environmental policy.

At Bedfont®, every day is an opportunity to implement and innovate for the environment; this includes always looking for ways to reduce its impact, working with employees, customers and suppliers to develop its infrastructure, processes, products, and packaging in ways that minimise its carbon footprint. From installing solar panels and increasing recycling bins on the premises, to switching cleaning products to eco-friendly options, using hand dryers instead of hand towels, going paperless in the office, these are just some of the ways Bedfont® are committing to their eco resolution. This commitment is a core value that informs every decision made, and Bedfont® are excited to share the strides they have made for a greener, more sustainable future.

Bedfont® are working hard to achieve Scope 3 emission levels, which is crucial for a complete understanding of its environmental impact. By embracing renewable energy in the form of solar panels and encouraging staff to recycle waste, these are just a couple of the small steps taken to start the process of achieving this. With a dedicated team of Eco-Warriors, Bedfont® are always striving to remain innovative to reduce our carbon footprint, but also raise awareness of how even the smallest change can make huge reduction to our carbon footprint.

Achieving Scope 3 emission reductions is crucial for Bedfont® as it encompasses the majority of their
carbon footprint, extending beyond their direct operations to their entire value chain. This commitment underscores their dedication to a sustainable future and their journey to becoming carbon neutral.

As we recognise World Environment Day, remember that our actions, no matter how small, accumulate into significant environmental impacts. Bedfont® is dedicated to exceeding environmental responsibilities, in every product, every process, every day. Together, a path can be forged that respects our planet and secures a sustainable future for generations to come. To share your environmental progress with us, and to keep up to date with the Bedfont® eco resolution, environmental efforts and news, follow us on social media.

World No Tobacco Day was created in 1987 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to draw worldwide attention to the global tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. Occurring annually, the day is marked by a different theme that aims to highlight a specific aspect of tobacco control.

What effect does tobacco use have on the world?

Killing over 8 million people a year, the tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. This includes an estimated 1.3 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke1. Smoking has a profound impact on people’s health, affecting nearly every organ of the body and leading to a variety of diseases.

Tobacco use has a significant impact on healthcare costs and resources; some examples are:

  • Increased Healthcare Costs: Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, lung disorders, and various forms of cancer. Treating these conditions incurs substantial costs to healthcare systems.
  • Resource Allocation: The high prevalence of tobacco-related health issues demands significant healthcare resources, including hospital beds, medications, and medica personnel. This allocation of resources can strain healthcare systems, especially in regions with limited medical infrastructure.
  • Impact on non-smokers: Tobacco use also impacts non-smokers through exposure to second-hand smoke, leading to health conditions like respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer. This increases the number of patients seeking medical help for tobacco-related conditions who themselves do not use tobacco.

How can the Smokerlyzer® range can help?

Bedfont® Scientific Limited manufactures the Smokerlyzer® range of carbon monoxide (CO) devices, used to aid in smoking cessation. The Smokerlyzer® range comprises of the Micro+™, piCObaby™, piCO™, and remote monitoring device iCOquit®, to help people stop smoking, one breath at a time.

The Bedfont® Smokerlyzer® range of CO devices works by measuring CO levels in a person’s exhaled breath, which can be used to determine a person’s smoking status. For smokers trying to quit, this quick, easy and non-invasive method of CO monitoring can offer instant insights on their quit progress and the colourful traffic-light system has proven to be an effective motivational tool to encourage them to quit.

Smokers can also monitor their progress remotely at home using the iCOquit®. This small, portable Bluetooth® CO device, when used alongside the free iCOquit® app, can provide instant results that can be shared remotely with smoking cessation advisors. Thanks to this innovative technology, stop- smoking services are even more accessible than before, helping the world work towards a smoke- free future.

Micro+™: One CO device for all your smoking cessation needs.

piCObaby™: CO monitoring for maternity made easy.

piCO™: CO monitoring made easy.

iCOquit®: Your personal CO device, to help you quit smoking, one breath at
a time.

Using a CO device to assist with quitting strongly supports the improvement of end results. A study by Beard and West (2012), on the effectiveness of personal carbon monoxide monitoring, found that out of 10 smokers, “7 of the smokers reported that they felt as though the monitors had reduced their cigarette consumption… 6 smokers reported a lower nicotine dependency relative to baseline. Over the 6 weeks there appeared to be a significant decline in the number of cigarettes smoked per day2”.

With more people than ever before having access to no smoking services, the Smokerlyzer® can help people quit, significantly reducing the financial and resource burden on healthcare systems caused by smoking-related diseases. Furthermore, with a lower prevalence of smoking, there will be a reduction in exposure to second-hand smoke; ultimately, this will contribute to solidifying a smoke- free future.

It’s clear that the fight against tobacco use is not just about discouraging a harmful habit but about safeguarding the future of public health globally. Let’s use this day to commit to reducing tobacco consumption in all forms, empower individuals to lead healthier lives and continue the momentum towards a world where tobacco no longer overshadows health and well-being.

If you are thinking about quitting smoking or struggling with your attempt, please visit the NHS quit
smoking page by clicking here.

To find out more about how the Smokerlyzer® range can help aid in smoking cessation, please click

1. World Health Organization. [cited on 2/5/24] Available from

2. Pilot Study of the Use of Personal Carbon Monoxide Monitoring to Achieve Radical Smoking Reduction. Journal of Smoking Cessation. Emma Beard and Robert West (2012). [cited on 31/5/24] Available from

World Digestive Health Day occurs annually on the 29th May. Launched in 2004 to mark the 45th anniversary of the World Gastroenterology Organisation’s (WGO) incorporation in 1958 (founded in 1935). This year’s theme is “Your Digestive Health: Make it a Priority”, emphasising that prioritising digestive health is vital for promoting well-being and enhancing quality of life1.

We have all been exposed to common digestive complaints that can arise from food intolerances at one time or another; whether we have eaten something and felt a bit bloated or sluggish, or perhaps even experienced some changes in bowel pattern. This can be more frequent or associated with eating out, travelling, hormonal imbalance, or even because of lifestyle changes. For some, these symptoms can occur frequently or can be severe, which may result in many sufferers turning to the internet to look for fast, easy and convenient solutions. It is understandable why people get frustrated with their digestive health, especially with unpredictable episodes that affect the quality of life, and this can lead to the avoidance of social events, or cause anxiety around eating out.

Remember, it is important not to self-diagnose as a number of conditions can cause similar symptoms to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and food intolerances but will have different treatment and management. For this reason, it is important to visit your GP/Family Doctor who may recommend further evaluation.

Some of the common food intolerance symptoms experienced can arise from carbohydrate malabsorption such as from lactose malabsorption, fructose malabsorption and sucrose malabsorption.

The intestine can only absorb a limited amount of fructose; most people can absorb 25-50g of fructose per sitting. Fructose malabsorption is a dietary impairment of the small intestine, whereby there is a limitation in the fructose carrier system which transports this sugar across the cell membrane.

Fructose malabsorption is not a food allergy, meaning there is no production of IgE antibodies or release of histamine. There are generally no typical allergic symptoms such as itching or hives.

In the large intestine, the unabsorbed fructose is metabolised by normal colonic bacteria to short-chain fatty acids and the gasses hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane. The increase in hydrogen or methane gas is detected with the breath test.

Possible causes of fructose malabsorption include:

  • Inherited or acquired abnormality of fructose transporting protein GLUT-5 (other family members are often affected).
  • Overuse of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or fruit juices in children.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Coeliac disease.
  • Chemotherapy or radiation (damage of small intestinal mucosa).
  • Dumping syndrome (rapid gastric emptying)

It can be difficult to see a relationship between the foods eaten and the symptoms experienced; this is because most foods contain a mixture of glucose and fructose, and foods with a high glucose content can help to absorb fructose. One molecule of glucose enables the absorption of one molecule of fructose. An example of this is when fructose was given in the form of sucrose (sucrose = fructose + glucose), its absorption capacity was increased e.g., table sugar (50% fructose, 50% glucose). The greater the glucose-to-fructose ratio in the food, the easier the fructose will be absorbed.

Lactose is normally hydrolysed into glucose and galactose, which are readily absorbed in the jejunum. Lactose needs to be hydrolysed in the small intestine by a B-galactosidase lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, generally called lactase. Lactase is found most abundantly in the jejunum at the tip of the intestinal villi and therefore is more vulnerable to intestinal diseases that cause cell damage than other sugars, which are located deeper.

If the enzyme lactase is lacking (or if inadequate amounts are produced), the lactose will not be completely hydrolysed, and the resultant condition is lactose malabsorption (also referred to as lactase deficiency). It is the most common type of carbohydrate intolerance and is the most common genetic disorder affecting more than half the world’s population.

When poorly absorbed lactose reaches the colon, gases produced may cause distension, cramps, flatulence, and general discomfort, along with diarrhoea, which can range from mild to explosive discharge. These symptoms produce the condition lactose intolerance, which is lactose malabsorption with discomfort. Symptoms associated with lactose intolerance may be mild or severe depending on the degree of lactase deficiency and the amount of lactose consumed. Lactose malabsorption can be diagnosed with a hydrogen methane breath test (HMBT) that will measure the level of gases in exhaled breath samples.

The number of people with lactose malabsorption is surprisingly large. It is estimated that about 68% of the world’s population has lactose malabsorption. It is more common in certain areas of the world such as Asia and among African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanics.

There are different types or forms of lactose malabsorption:
Congenital Lactase Deficiency (CLD) is a rare genetic condition. In this type, there is a marked deficiency of lactase production, if any at all, in the small intestine from birth. It is caused when a baby inherits 2 ineffective genes from their parents (one from each).

Familial Lactase Deficiency is the result of a defective lactase enzyme protein. Unlike CLD, the level of lactase enzyme production is normal but since the genes are producing a defective enzyme, lactase is deemed dysfunctional and ineffective.

Primary lactase deficiency is a condition that develops over time. After about the age of 2, the body
begins to produce less lactase. It is the most common type of lactase deficiency.

Developmental Lactase Deficiency results from low lactase levels and is a consequence of prematurely born babies. Premature babies born 28-32 weeks of gestation will have reduced lactase activity.

Secondary lactase deficiency occurs when injury to the small intestine or certain digestive diseases reduce the amount of lactase a person produces e.g. coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease.When the epithelium heals, the activity of lactase returns.

Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. It is hydrolysed by the enzyme sucrase, an a-glucosidehydrolase, which is naturally occurring in the small intestine.

Some people with genetic sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (GSID) are often misdiagnosed with IBS. People with GSID cannot digest sucrose and maltose (sugar found in grains) and can have difficulty digesting starch. Symptoms range from mild to severe.

Importance of not self-diagnosing:
If you are suffering from food intolerances, this may mean that the enzymes in your gut responsible for breaking down the food particles are either deficient, defective, or there may be an issue with the mechanism that transports molecules through the small intestine.

This point is of great importance as some people want to take the reins on their health, and in some cases self-diagnose. In recent times, there has been a large increase in online devices available aimed at providing you with “diagnostic” results. This includes devices that encompass home testing apps with instant results.

While there are some home testing devices available that are overseen by appropriately qualified professionals, there are other heavily marketed devices aimed at those with common digestive symptoms that are not up to the same standard or have practitioner involvement.

In the absence of practitioner involvement, devices that are used to allow patients to self-test at home with instant results and self-interpretation could potentially lead to a misdiagnosis or inadvertently avoiding important food sources. You must remember that if a person is not properly adhering to the clinically recommended protocols for testing, residual food in the intestinal tract may be detected on home testing breath devices leading to inaccuracies.

This comes back to the point about experienced practitioner involvement, as you don’t want to see a
patient unnecessarily avoiding food groups like lactose just because they misinterpreted the report, did
not prepare for the test in accordance with recommended protocols, given misinformation/misinformed
how the device is intended to be used or did not conduct the test correctly.

When your digestive health is out of sync, foods are not agreeing with your gut, and you are feeling the
burden of your symptoms, before choosing a quick and self-guided approach it is important to talk with your medical practitioner. There are a lot of easy-to-use home tests available, but it is important they are sourced from a reputable health professional who is available to discuss the results with you and recommend appropriate follow-up

Hydrogen Methane Breath Testing (HMBT):

Utilising reliable diagnostic tools such as HMBT offers precise insights into the underlying causes of gastrointestinal symptoms, enabling healthcare professionals to formulate effective and tailored treatment plans. Bedfont® Scientific Limited manufactures the Gastrolyzer® range of non-invasive breath testing devices that help to detect gastrointestinal disorders, one breath at a time. The Gastrolyzer® range includes the Gastro+™ which measures H2 and the GastroCH4ECK device which measures H2, CH4, and O2. Both devices provide instant results, recorded in parts per million (ppm).

To learn more about how the Gastrolyzer® range can help support your patients with gastrointestinal
disorders, visit

1. World Digestive Health Day: WDHD 2024 [Internet]. WDHD. Cited 17th May 2024]. Available from: