New Year, new smokefree you.

New Year, new smokefree you.

Giving up smoking is one of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions and every year on January 1, millions of people around the world make themselves a promise to somehow improve their lives or do something they’ve always wanted, but never have. However, while 22 percent of the UK population resolved to quit in January 2015 [1], the average time before they went back to smoking was just 24 days [2].

The new iCO Smokerlyzer is the latest CO monitor from Bedfont Scientific for use in smoking cessation. Through a simple, non-invasive breath test this monitor can measure the harmful levels CO in the blood caused by smoking, acting as a motivational tool to help quit. Statistics from the Health & Social Care Information Centre found that in the UK between April and June 2015, 72 percent of those who quit smoking had their results confirmed through CO verification [3].

A recent study by Grant et al. (2015) looked at CO testing within Stop Smoking Services (SSS). In their findings, one client highlighted that CO monitoring was one of the most useful elements of the SSS he received, “one of the most useful things I found about it was the CO readings every week…you know, you can’t fool a machine, so it’s difficult to fool yourself then” [4].  With CO monitoring already acting as a highly motivational tool, the ability to monitor your CO from a more comfortable environment like your home shows promise for the iCO.

The iCO Smokerlyzer plugs into the headphone slot of your device and is used in conjunction with the Smokerlyzer app. Instant readings can be downloaded to a personal profile, allowing users to track their progress, and be motivated to quit smoking, anytime, anywhere. What’s more, progress can be shared with smoking cessation advisors, fellow quitters, friends and family.

Dominic Finn, Chief Technology Officer at North 51 Healthware, comments,

“The new iCO Smokerlyzer presents a brilliant opportunity for Smoking Cessation Services to work even closer with clients whilst trying to quit smoking. Clients can track their own quit attempts and the data can be pushed to our QuitManager product to help Advisers flag those smokers that need the most support.”

[1], (2015). Supply Management | The procurement and supply website. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2015].
[2] Withnall, A. (2014). Poll reveals ‘Fail Friday’ as the day you are most likely to break. [online] The Independent. Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2015].
[3], (2015). Find data – Health & Social Care Information Centre. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov. 2015].
[4] Grant, A., Ashton, K. and Phillips, R. (2015) Foucualt, Surveillance, and Carbon Monoxide Testing within Stop Smoking Services. Qualitative Health Research. Vol.25 (7) 912-922.