Bedfont® scoops the Innovation Award and Export Award at the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

Medical device manufacturer, Bedfont®, is elated to announce its recent success in winning two esteemed business awards at the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce Business Awards. The annual business awards, which took at Westenhanger Castle on Thursday 23rd of November, bring together the business community showcasing the amazing achievements of a range of businesses and talented individuals throughout Kent.

Bedfont® was delighted to have won Success in International Trade 2023, boasting over 82 distributors worldwide, with exports accounting for 80% of turnover for the past 9 years.

Bedfont® was over the moon to win Innovative Business of the Year 2023, making it the 3rd year in a row – a significant achievement and testament to the innovation that is at the heart of Bedfont®.

Jason Smith, Managing Director at Bedfont®, comments, “We are incredibly honoured to receive not just one, but two prestigious business awards. This achievement reflects the hard work and enthusiasm of the exceptional members of the Bedfont® Family and our dedicated network of Distributors. Each member has played a vital role in our success, and these awards celebrate the collective effort that defines our company culture and core values.”

Bedfont’s mission is to work with the Bedfont® Family and healthcare professionals worldwide to provide cutting-edge breath analysis medical products to the highest standard, through technical innovation and professional business practice. Bedfont’s vision is a world where everyone has access to instant, non-invasive, simple breath testing to aid in medical diagnosis.

Currently, in the UK, it is against the law to sell tobacco products to individuals under the age of 18. In October 2023, the English government introduced a ground-breaking proposal to raise the legal age by one year, each year. The ultimate goal is to make the sale and purchase of cigarettes illegal, gradually phasing out smoking in the country. New Zealand led this initiative in 2021 by annually increasing the legal smoking age for anyone born after 2008. This change made tobacco products less affordable and less accessible for those still permitted to smoke in New Zealand1.

Current statistics

Smoking-related deaths are the UK’s biggest preventable killer, causing 1 in 4 cancer deaths and 64,000 deaths per year in England2. The government’s proposed plan aims to alleviate the pressure, on an already over-burdened National Health Service (NHS), given that nearly one hospital admission per minute is linked to smoking, along with up to 75,000 monthly GP appointments for smoking-related illnesses2.

In 2022, data revealed that across all age groups from 18 to 65+, men were consistently more likely to smoke than women. Notably, individuals aged 25 to 34 had the highest smoking rate, with 19.1% for men and 13.4% for women3. Yet for those who vape daily, the largest group was those aged 16 to 24, constituting 15.4% of daily vapers across the age range from 16 to 60+. This marked a 3.7% increase from 2021 (11.7%)4.

The government’s plan

According to recent statistics, smoking and vaping are predominantly adopted by younger generations and the government’s plans to prevent the next generation from smoking will benefit England ultimately. This would involve removing additional strain, money, and time on the NHS with appointments and hospital admissions caused by smoking, as well as discouraging young people from taking up vaping with future policies in place for flavours and packaging. Additionally, the government’s efforts to restrict disposable vapes aim to mitigate the environmental impact of these products ending up in landfills.

As well as the plans to increase the legal age to smoke, the government has also pledged to fund numerous initiatives aimed at supporting smoking cessation aid. This involves an additional £70 million annually allocated to local stop-smoking services, and a further £45 million spread over two years to introduce the national ‘Swap to Stop’ project. This project aims to provide individuals who are attempting to quit smoking with a free vape kit and behavioural support as another incentive to help England reach the ‘smokefree’ target by reducing adult smoking to 5% or less by 20305. The government is set to intensify its measures on vaping products, introducing additional regulations on flavours and packaging to reduce appeal among children. Although vaping is intended as a resource to help adults quit smoking, the statistics for youth vapers have tripled in the past three years with 20.5% of children aged 11 to 17 years old having tried vaping at least once in 2023, reported by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). This trend is not unique to the UK, as similar patterns are observed globally, including in Canada and New Zealand6. There are also plans to limit the availability of disposable vapes in the market, aiming to reduce environmental harm by minimising the disposal of these products in landfills. New research has revealed in the UK that 78% of the 138 million disposable vapes sold every year in the UK are being disposed of incorrectly, which means more than two million single-use vapes are thrown away in general waste every week, instead of being recycled correctly7.

Carbon monoxide devices

Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. manufactures the Smokerlyzer® range, measuring carbon monoxide (CO) which consists of the Micro+™, piCObaby™, piCO™, and the homecare CO device the iCOquit®. All the devices measure CO on the breath with instant results to help motivate patients and there are many resources that can help individuals quit smoking. In addition to behavioural support and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), CO devices have been integrated into stop-smoking programmes for years, used as a bio-verification tool that can identify CO on the breath (produced by incomplete combustion burning of tobacco products) and therefore confirm abstinence from traditional tobacco smoking, in addition to being used as a motivational tool for smokers.

To find out more about how you can support patients with smoking cessation, visit

Read the full research briefing on the government’s smokefree 2030 ambition for England:


  1. New Zealand to ban cigarettes for future generations [Internet] BBC News. 2021. [Cited Tuesday 17th October 2023]. Available from:
  2. Prime Minister to create ‘smokefree generation’ by ending cigarette sales to those born on or after 1 January 2009 [Internet]. GOV.UK. 2023. [Cited Tuesday 17th October 2023]. Available from:
  3. Adult smoking habits in England [Internet]. Office for National Statistics. 2023. [Cited Friday 20th October 2023]. Available from:
  4. E-cigarette use in England [Internet]. Office for National Statistics. 2023. [Cited Friday 20th October 2023]. Available from:
  5. The Smokefree 2030 ambition for England [Internet]. House of Commons Library. 2023. [Cited Friday 20th October 2023]. Available from:
  6. Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping: what you need to know [Internet] GOV.UK. 2023. [Cited Friday 20th October 2023]. Available from:
  7. Single use vapes spark surge in blazes as three dumped every second [Internet]. Zurich. 2023. [Cited Friday 20th October 2023]. Available from:,thrown%20away%20improperly%20every%20week.

In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) revealed a promising trend in smoking rates among pregnant women during the 2021-2022 period. At the time of birth, the smoking rate hit a historic low of 9.1%, marking a notable drop from the 2019 rate of 10.6%1.

In Somerset, a smoking cessation pregnancy programme called Mums2Be Smokefree had to replace all in-person appointments with telephone support in 2020 due to COVID-19. In 2021, face-to-face appointments were reinstated but the number of sessions had been reduced. This led to the creation of a 12-month pilot study spanning from April 2021 to April 2022, which included the iCOquit® Smokerlyzer®, a personal Bluetooth® carbon monoxide (CO) device manufactured by Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. There were 58 participants, aged 18 to 30 years old, enrolled in the pilot study and each person was issued an iCOquit® device through Mums2Be Smokefree. They were given the device either at 4 weeks (34%) or 12 weeks (66%) into their pregnancy, followed by a semi-structured survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the iCOquit® device from the patient’s perspective.

Study’s finding for iCOquit® and CO testing

Face-to-face CO readings were conducted to validate quit rates, and no discrepancies were reported. At 4 weeks, an impressive 96.55% of participants had successfully quit smoking, and at 12 weeks into the smoking programme, 94.83% of patients had quit smoking.

The implementation of the iCOquit® device not only tracked quit attempts but also significantly minimised the loss of follow-up appointments, with 1.72% at the 12-week mark. The voucher incentive plan for those who quit smoking increased by 828.95% (from 38 to 353 vouchers) from 2020 to 2021. The pilot study resulted in a 26.79% increase in attendance to first appointments with the Mums2Be Smokefree programme. With specific spikes of 15.35% at 4 weeks, and 3.47% at 12 weeks.

Study’s impact on CO testing

The outcomes of the study highlighted the impactful role of iCOquit® in equipping patients with the skills to quit smoking and maintain their journey throughout their pregnancy and post-partum when they were unavailable to meet face-to-face with their smoking practitioner.

Of the participants, half engaged in a brief survey focused on iCOquit®. When asked, “How helpful do you feel the iCOquit® has been to support you not smoking”, respondents expressed a high level of satisfaction, with 55.2% finding iCOquit® very helpful and 41.4% considering it somewhat helpful. When asked, “In what (if any way) did you find the iCOquit® useful to support you not smoking”, 51.72% found the visual results on the phone were supportive of their quit, 31% found the motivation to quit helped them most, 13.8% found the ease of monitoring efficiency at home most helpful, and 3.45% answered goal setting.

The consensus between participants and smoking practitioners on the value of iCOquit® is clear. Providing instant results accessible from anywhere, iCOquit® has not only empowered participants but also streamlined face-to-face appointments with smoking practitioners. The successful integration of iCOquit® into the practices of Mums2Be Smokefree further underscores its significance in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of smoking cessation support.

“The combination of the ICOquit® and an advisor (Stop Smoking Practitioner) is what helped me to quit”

(Service user, 2022)

With an easy-to-use, handheld, home CO device, Bedfont® can help users become smoke-free with instant results shown by a motivational traffic light system. The iCOquit® also offers the ability to take a reading anytime, anywhere, allowing a practitioner to offer remote motivation and sustained support. To find out more about how you can support patients with smoking cessation, visit

Read the full Evaluation Report here:


  1. NHS helps thousands of pregnant smokers kick the habit [Internet] NHS England. 2022. [Cited Monday 9th September 2023]. Available from: